Original Chevy Luv Watch Restoration

I won this nice Chevy Luv Swiss watch off of Ebay for $4.24 with $4.99 shipping...grand total was $9.24. The watch is in nice shape...keeps time very well...very little brassing...was missing band but I have several and installed a nice gold tone one on it. Nice little timepiece! I was surprised this watch is Swiss made! I thought it would be a cheapo Quartz watch. I am going to list this watch on the Chevy Luv site tommorrow for $22! I will make some money on this venture! More to come soon but for now a few pictures...
Update 7/22/07: No interest on the Chevy Luv site priced at $15.00 so I listed it on Ebay for $19.99. Heres the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?
Update 8/1/07: Back up on Ebay this time for $14.99. If it does not sell this time around I will just wait till Christmas and relist for $19.99.
Update 8/5/07: SOLD on Ebay for $14.99!!!! $5 profit! :)


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