Revive the HP

I have this older HP computer...about 5 years old and just about every component on it has failed so over the past few years I have cut and pasted components together to keep it functioning. Connected to my HP I have a NEC flat screen monitor, an older Dell keyboard (built like a tank) and now I am replacing the failed internal CD drive with a more modern TDK external USB drive ($21) complete with CD writer! It is a Frankenstein monster but still working...:) I no longer use the HP to surf the net due to lack of updated virus software so instead I use my ancient iMac to surf! Still works great and the Macintosh platform is a lot better than the PC platform in terms of updates and data security. I am trying to avoid indulging in capitalism...who wants to spend $600+ on a new computer when you can spend a little on the old one...:)

Update 06/21/09: Bought an external Lacie USB floppy drive for my first gen. iMac. Now I can transfer pictures directly to my Mac without using the PC. Nice! :)


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