The Inverted Bike Shop! This is COOL!

The Inverted Bike Shop from Show Love on Vimeo.


Johnny said…
I wonder if that concept will work out in Dallas? Pitch it as a free build a bike workshop and then sell them on a bike?
Greg said…
I keep wanting to put a bike shop together like this in Denton. I have a small space picked out and everything. :) The only thing holding me back is time and the pesky economy.
Johnny said…
Hey Greg,

This might actually be easier to do than you think. I remember reading somewhere on your profile that you are a college professor. Have you thought about asking your campus for a room to set up a workshop? You can eliminate the cost of overhead altogether this way.

Many non-profit bike shops have started out this way. It's also a great way to introduce bike repair as a curriculum at your school. If you can get something going, I would like to team up with you on that.
Greg said…
Unfortunately my school does not have enough room....we are hurting for classroom space and office space. The overhead space cost is the big factor. We would need to find at least 5 people to foot the space bill every month. Otherwise I need to move to a different neighborhood in Denton and build my own work space other than the garage...:)

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