Worn out Piano to Cool Garage Desk!

I found this old 1972 Beckwith piano kicked to the curb a few weeks back and decided to save it from the wrath of the garbage truck. At first I picked it up just to see how much I could scrap out of it but after looking at the cabinet I decided to turn it into a desk for my garage. It took me 3 weeks just to remove the innards! A lot of the piano components were already missing including the keys and the top end but the hard to remove stuff was still there. I had to remove 283 bolts by hand to get the back plate out!!! The back plate weighed in at 175 pounds! I found that the back plate accounts for about 60% of the weight of a piano! It was heavy!!!! After removal of all the metal from the wood cabinet I scrapped the metal which brought in $14. I am using the money to buy some Birch wood to build up the top part of the cabinet to turn into a desk. I am in the build up phase right now so I will post pictures as soon as I am done. My advice for anyone who wants to do this project is to wear a lot of protective gear including eye protection and gloves! There are too many pieces of wire under extreme tension which can cut, slice and dice so do not take the task lightly! Overall, this has been an enjoyable project and one of the few which has actually helpe pay for its own transformation! :) PIctures posted are in the early stages of piano to desk transformation....I will post more as time allows. Enjoy the pics in the meantime!


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