1959 Sea King Outboard Motor

Well I am a sucker for mechanical junk! I took a load of scrap steel and rusty (beyond use)bicycle parts to my local scrap yard and while I was there I found this old 1959 Sea King Outboard motor and picked it up for $20. The recoil was non functional and the motor seemed frozen so I knew I had my work cut out for me. I have partially disassembled the motor at this point and have managed to repair the pull cord assembly. The pull cord now pulls and retracts with ease. As I have pulled each panel off tons of debris has spilt out. Obviously this motor has been sitting for a long time! My plan of attack is to take panels off one at a time and clean and soak with WD40. With the WD40 soak plan I have also managed to repair the throttle control and now it moves with ease as well. It is not surprise the motor is frozen with the several pounds of dirt and leaves I have removed thus far. Just think of all the free dirt I am now adding to my yard! :) More to come on this old motor. I plan on repairing and eventually put back into use. I have been doing some research and have a plan on unfreezing the motor without rebuilding so I will post on how that goes. More posts to come on this project.....


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