Work on the Hawthorne Muscle Bike

I started back to work on the Hawthorne Muscle bike today. I tackled the rear wheel which was very rusty!!!  Most would think the rear wheel was knackered but I managed to save it. I took a bit of sand paper and lightly sanded the surface rust and then went over it with a brass brush.  Most of the rust came right off and now you can see some of the white paint  underneath.  I really want to keep this bike as original as possible and not replace parts. My focus is on restoring and reusing what came on the bike without erasing the history.  After I sanded a significant amount of rust off, I hit it with a bit of Rustoleum clear and it looks way better! Final step was tightening the spokes and then I installed a tire and tube which was salvaged from another bike I found kicked to the curb.  I will continue to update as I make progress on this old bike.


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