I found this Grass Eater Electric weedeater kicked to the curb and saved it from the wrath of the trash truck! What a mess! I do not know what the prior owners did to abuse this trimmer but check out the handle...it is melted! At first I thought it was an electrical short but after closer inspection (removal of the handle) I found that it was something else???? Who know what exactly happened but one thing I do know for certain is this trimmer works great! I took the handle off and the power switch and plug were fully intact. I plugged it in and she took off with a scream! I plan on rigging some sort of handle for the trimmer to control power off and on and also plan on getting a new spool cap for the trimmer as it is missing. I looked the trimmer up online and it did get horrible reviews for the line release in the head! It seems as though many have complained that it does not feed line and that you manually have to pull it out. I have a small yard so I really do not care. I plan on saving this one and using it ! I will post pictures as soon as I have some sort of handle made. Check back on this project! Cheers!


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